Fixture example: change working directory

Use the --fixture command line option to change the working directory.

The command line below calls the fixture function change_dir() from in the setUpModule() of the generated unittest test file.

The function is specified as the value for the --fixture command line option. See the command line below. Instead of slashes in the value note that dots separate the folders and the function.

The function change_dir() changes the working directory to docs/fix/code. This allows the example to use a pathname relative to docs/fix/code for the file.

change_dir() also calls unittest.addModuleCleanup() to have unittest restore the working directory when unittest terminates.

Python fenced code block and expected output under test

This is the Python example we want to check.

from pathlib import Path
# Note-
# The file's location is "docs/fix/code/textfile.txt".
# The --fixture function changed the working directory to "docs/fix/code".
# We open it using just "textfile.txt".
contents = Path("textfile.txt").read_text(encoding="utf-8")
print(contents, end="")

Expected output:

Demonstrate changed working directory.

phmutest command line

phmutest docs/fix/code/ --fixture docs.fix.code.chdir.change_dir --log

phmutest output

Terminal output after the OK line.

args.files: 'docs/fix/code/'
args.fixture: 'docs.fix.code.chdir.change_dir'
args.log: 'True'

location|label             result
-------------------------  ------
change cwd...............
docs/fix/code/  pass
docs/fix/code/  pass
restore cwd..............
-------------------------  ------