--select and group directive example

Using the phmutest-group directive and --select command line option.

The first FCB has no directives and expected output block.

squares = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

expected output:

[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

Look for the <!--phmutest-group GROUP--> directive in the Markdown file. Note there is a space before the group name. The directive declares the block to be a member of test group "slow".

from datetime import date

d = date.fromordinal(730920)  # 730920th day after 1. 1. 0001

phmutest command line

This command line selectes all blocks in this file that have a <!--phmutest-group slow--> directive.

phmutest docs/group/select.md --select slow --summary --log

phmutest output

Terminal output after the OK line. Note in the log below that only the second block is tested.

--------------------  -
blocks run            1
blocks passed         1
blocks failed         0
blocks skipped        0
suite errors          0
Markdown files        1
files with no blocks  0
deselected blocks     1
--------------------  -

args.files: 'docs/group/select.md'
args.select: 'slow'
args.log: 'True'
args.summary: 'True'

location|label             result
-------------------------  ------
docs/group/select.md:24 o  pass
-------------------------  ------