
"""v0.0.3 Keyword arguments passed to --fixture function and return type Fixture.

These are passed to the fixture function as keyword arguments:

    The fixture can append entries to the log.
    List of log entries. Each entry is a list of 3 strings:
            Hint to identify originator of the log entry.

            The strings pass, failed, error, skip, noblocks count towards metrics.

        skip reason

    Python bool. True when commandline argument --replmode is present.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Callable, MutableMapping, Optional

class Fixture:
    """Object type returned by user's --fixture function.

        Python dict().
        1. For Python code blocks the keys become global variable names in the
           the generated test file with the corresponding values.
        2. In --replmode globs is passed to doctest.DocTestFinder.find()
           as keyword argument globs.

        Ignored unless replmode. This is only effective for testing
        Python interactive sessions.
        Function that takes no arguments and returns None.
        Fixture function writer supplies this function to release resources acquired
        by the fixture function. This function is called after the final doctest
        completes or if the code running doctests raises an unhandled exception.

    globs: Optional[MutableMapping[str, object]] = None
    repl_cleanup: Optional[Callable[..., None]] = None

FixtureFunction = Callable[..., Optional[Fixture]]
"""Signature of the user supplied --fixture function. Args should be keyword only."""